Sunday, June 2, 2013


In general, most if not all Indonesian Ports have Government officials who act as Harbour Master or Port Captain. Known in Indonesia as "SYAHBANDAR".

By law all vessels are required to report to them. However, at every officially appointed destinations, Sail Indonesia's representative will do the reporting (or somebody will be appointed to do so). 

Just in case you are approached by any local official inquiring about  your presence, please refer it to Sail Indonesia Staff. 

Do not submit any original documents. Just show it to them if requested or give them the photo copies. In case they wear uniform, please make note of the name written on their uniform.  Any request for payment must be declined.Except when you are within National Parks domain where you are required to pay entry fee.

Original documents (such as PIB, Port Clearance and Passport only required to be submitted at the exit point (Bintan).

The waters in the Eastern parts of Indonesia are deep except at few places. For instance in Banda Naira, Banda, you areadvised to tie up stern to at the sea wall in front of Laguna Hotel.

Eastern parts of Indonesia is not as widely traveled compare to Central or Western parts. Shipping traffics is also much less. Although bigger fishing boats in general have their running lights on at night, the same cannot be said when it comes to smaller fishing vessels. Sad to say that this is a very common problem throughout Indonesia. Again, be vigilant.

Due to the fact you will stopping at small towns (except maybe near Bau Bau), there will no be any big supermarket. So stock up on  hard to get stuffs like cheese, cereals, condiments, hard liquor (Bintang beer is available almost everywhere, pasta, sauce  etc.

Bottled water is available everywhere. It is advisable to get 19 liters container. It is cheaper and reduce the amount of rubbish.


This year's Sail Indonesia participants who enter Indonesia from Saumlaki will be given 200 liters of diesel fuel, courtesy of Wakatobi Regency.

On top of that, each participant/boat will be reimbursed to the amount of US $250.00

The fuel and reimbursement will be given in Wakatobi

Wednesday, May 22, 2013




Benteng means fortress, while Keraton translated  loosely means Palace. So, there you have it. It was built around 16th Century around Buton King’s palace. It is the largest fortress in the world (according to Guinnes Book Record) which covers 24 ha. The wall itself is about 2740 meters long.  The ight aof the wall is about four meters and about two meters in thicknesss. It has twelve gates, and each gate is protected by at least six cannons. The cannon itself were made in Potugal and Netherland who played major role in power struggles in this area.
It is located on top of the hill with commanding view of Bau Bau which is the capital of modern Buton. There are numbers of buildings inside the compound which itself form a community where traditional customs are still strongly held practiced. Most of the residents are the descendants of the the old ruling family.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


 06 07' 13" S
120 26' 35" E

Benteng which being the capital of Selayar Regency  is a bustling small town with becaks competing on narrow streets with motorcycles and cars. It is the ideal jump off point for exploring Taka Bone Rate which is the third largest corral atoll in the world (the largest being Kwajelein in the Marshall Islands). Although cruising yachts have been coming to Taka Bone Rate on their own for for years, this year is going to be the first time that the Selayar Regency is making an efforts to officially welcome the fleet of Sail Indonesia.

Although this place nowadays is considered  far from beaten track,  for centuries Selayar was part of the ancient trading route owing to being strategically located.  This place is known by another name which is translated literally means a place to pray as those ancient sailors needed all the help they could get before they embark on their voyage.It was a logical place for ancient traders to stop, resting, replenish, repair the boat and waiting for the right condition to sail either eastward or westward. Some historic artifacts have been found  dating back to 14th Century when traders passed through this part of South East Asia

Selayar  island is a fascinating place owing to unusual rock formations with caves, waterfalls, beautiful deserted beaches. The east side of the island is sparsely populated and still heavily covered with rain forest. 

This the forest where Tarseus monkey which is considered the smallest monkey in the world can be found.

The welcome ceremony will be held in main public square (The Plaza Marina))which is the pride of Selayar local. It is borders with sea side which is a popular area with the locals.


Anchorage area is just off Plaza Marina at 06 07' 13" S and 120 27' 29" E. Dinghy can be landed on the beach in the front the Plaza.


The nearest one (BRI) is about 200 meters from the landing.


There are many shops just short walking distance from the landing Traditional (Bonea Market) market is about 3 km away.


Fuel and fresh water will be made available from truck near the landing.


Telkomsel and Indosat works fine here.  WIFI will be made available at the Plaza


If there is one good reason to come to Selayar Regency, visiting Taka Bone Rate should be the one. This is the third largest corral atoll in the world after Kwajelein in Marshall Island and Suvadiva in Maldives. It covers the area about 220.000 ha. There are about fifteen islands inside this National Park.All the islands tend to be low lying islands no higher than 4 meters in elevation.

There are about 526 fish species, 242 corral species, 112 macro algae, 34 kind of birds and other sea creatures as sea turtles, dolphins, whales etc found within park bounderies.  About five thousand people live in the area who make their living as fisherman.

At the moment there is no commercial resort in the area. Access to the area is one of the reasons. It wouldn't come as surprise if few years down the road this area could become a major destination in Indonesia.

Beside Taka Bone Rate there are other places worth visiting in Selayar Island itself such as waterfall, pristine beaches and also some historical sites and objects. One of them is in the form gong. This gong reputedly was made at 11th Century in Vietnam. 
It was used during official ceremonies by the local ruler. It went missing and finally recovered in the last century. Is is located n Matalang, which is about 4 km from Benteng.

              Fishing village

Selayar is well known place where traditional wooden boats are still being build the old fashioned way.

One of many pristine beaches of Selayar


Selayar Regency is preparing a number of events during the visit. There will be Official Welcome Ceremony.  Followed later with series of event such as traditional dance performance, trip to some historical places. gala Dinner also will be in the Agenda. Details will be posted here once it is confirmed.


Visit to this island will give you glance about this unique island where the proud and(once warlike) people with own and still well preserve traditional culture is still tightly held. It is only about 40 miles fro Wakatobi, so it is conveniently ated. This young Regency is making serious efforts to let outside world aware about the uniqueness about this place and why it is worth visiting.

The anchorage area is around the end of long jetty.


The town is located about 5 km away. Transports will be provided. Just traditional market with line of shops.







06 20' 52" S       123 32' 10" E

When Jacques Cousteau surveyed the area in the 1980s he commented that Wakatobi offered possibly the finest diving in the world. Most of the areas are part of Wakatobi Marine National Park.

This group of islands in the South East of Sulawesi is probably the best protected area in Indonesia. There are several Conservation Groups running their program here which attract researchers, students and divers alike.

Being a national park, the local fishing communities obtain a share from income generated by tourism. 

Although local Government is making strong efforts to promote marine tourism in the area, it is quite a challenge to strike a balance between preserving its very diverse eco system and the need to provide the needs of growing population. 


Anchorage area is inside the lagoon in town of Wangi Wangi where there are about twenty moorings are available inside the lagoon. Call Channel 77 and asking for Gino who will guide you in and assign a mooring buoy. It is on the basis first come first served basis. Free of charge.

The lagoon  is very well protected. The entrance is rather narrow and shallow but well marked.


Dinghy can be tied up at unused ferry terminal. Security will be provided to ensure the safety of the dinghies.




Traditional market is about 5 minutes walk from the landing. Fresh fish and fresh vegetables and some basic stuff are available. 

Some stalls are closed at noon before the market comes alive again in the afternoon.There are also shops on the main street.



There are ATMs in town.


Telkomsel works fine here.


There are number of islands in the area which offers fantastic diving.



The Bajo, or Bajau sometimes referred as sea nomad or gypsies, are a culture scattered throughout the coastal region of Southeast Sulawesi and beyond. They tend to build their village hundred of meters or even farther, from the shore. 

Although some of the villages offer temporary settlement for its nomadic fishermen, some village is permanent and has some facilities such as school, stores, mosque, even billiard hall.Originally people live in houses built on stilts where they live and fish. As it grew larger, wooden platform and bridges were built to connect those houses.

Although there have been some efforts by the Government to resettle on shore, they still prefer to continue their traditional lifestyle.

While some have converted to Islam (or  Christian), many of them still retain their traditional animist beliefs which reflects their closeness with the sea around them.

Fresh water has to be carried from nearest town using dugout canoes.

If you happen to be a the real 
man who need of haircut in Wakatobi, 
well ....look no farther. 




As previous years, local Regency   is staging few events. 
The program will be listed here.


This is probably one of the most fascinating places on earth where it once, for better or worse (it was definitely worse for its native), helped in changing the course of world history. This tiny speak in vast ocean was the place where ancient sailors from Europe had to find after having to sail halfway around the world in hazardous voyages which sometimes took years to complete. Great many of them perished at sea. 

Highly sought after spices was the only reason why these islands became one of the most hotly contested places among European maritime powers. It was so valuable that Dutch  swapped what is now known as Manhattan for one of the remote islands in Banda Group. The area changed hands several times before the Dutch finally gained the full control of lucrative spice trade. It was however, black chapter in history of Banda which lasted for several hundred years.

It is peaceful and quiet now. Several silent witnesses are still standing today in town of Banda Naira such as fortresses, old building which some of are in relatively good condition. It has the charm of a small town where one can wander around town looking at old colonial houses, abandoned fortresses, often stumble across old cannons lying in the sidewalk. Impressive and menacing looking Gunung Api just across narrow channel looks too close for comfort, but somehow people are used to its potential danger. Approaching from the sea, Mount Api seems to rise majestically from ocean floor has been rather quiet since it blew its top in 1988. It has erupted number of time for the last several hundred years.

During colonial days, due to its remoteness, Banda was used as a place where the colonial Dutch exiled some of the future Indonesia leaders. This practice only ended when the Japanese invaded Indonesia during World War ll. For such a small place this place us rich in history. Standing on the formidable Fort Belgica located in commanding hill, one could feel the sense of history this place has. It was long and troubled history indeed.

But history is not only reasons why this only reasons why this place is worth visiting. This area is also well known for its world class dive sites. Several dive operatos set up their shops here. Typically boats that come here would anchor their boats or moored stern to Laguna Hotel's sea wall and just enjoying the scenery around Banda Naira or surrounding islands.


Boat has to anchor close to shore because the channel is too deep.  Last year about twenty boats dropped their anchors in the front of Laguna Hotel and have their stern line attached to shore. Although they still had to use their dinghy, it was rather safe and convenient.  Rhe harbor itself is very well protected. Except for the depth this is one of the best natural harbors anywhere.


There are several Restaurants in town. Delfika Cafe and Mutiara are highly recommended for their local cuisine. One of local specialty is fish in nutmeg fruit sauce and egg plant with kenari based sauce.


There are numerous old colonial houses, church, some abandoned fortresses (except Fort Belgica which is well preserved).

Trip up to the top of Gunung Api is highly recommended. although is only around 600 meters high, view from the top is just spectacular.

Trip to nearby islands to visit nutmeg plantations should be an interesting one not only due to how close it was entwined into history of Banda but also to the importance it is to local economy.

                       Public jetty


There is a traditional market within walking distance (everything is within walking distance here). Almost everything have to be brought here, so the prices is slightly higher from the mainland. 

Fish market is right next to traditional market. Come early Street vendors sell smoked fish, preserved nutmeg slices and some other snacks.


There is only one ATM (BRI) in town. Power outage is quite frequents here, so it only works as long electricity is on. It is located about 500 meters from the dock.


Telkomsel works here although the internet connection is rather slow. Top up cards are available.


 07 58' 37" S         131 17' 22" E

The Tanimbar Islands are the furthest east in the chain of islands making up the Indonesian Archipelago. There are roughly about 150 known islands and sixty of the reputedly do not even have names. Thirty of relatively large with only ten of the are inhabited. Saumlaki is the capital of these group of islands.

This sleepy little harbour is one of the two official entry points for Sail Indonesia 2013. As previous years CIQP will be done here under one roof. The harbour itself is well protected and offer good  depth. Sail Indonesia field coordinator will be on the spot working closely with the local Government's official to ensure trouble free process.


Anchorage area is right after ferry terminal.Good shelter from almost any direction. Mud bottom Do not go beyond half submerged wreck.  

During high tide , dinghy can be tied in the back of Hotel Harapan Indah which is a favourite local hangout. It serves cold beer and seafood. Recommended. Otherwise use ferry terminal


Along the causeway and around it there is a traditional market. Varieties of fresh food available such as many different kind of fresh vegetables. There are shops nearby. 

Fish market which is located along the causeway is open until evening.The fishing boats come in high tide, as there is no refrigeration it is better to come early. There are fresh whole fish of corral trout, tuna, prawn, squid and assortment of corral and pelagic fish.Bargaining is standard practice or anywhere.


Fuel and water as previous years will be made available in the causeway. Bring your fuel container. The prices will be posted here once it is confirmed.
It is highly suggested to filter the fuel before transfer it to fuel tank.


There is only one ATM (BRI)in town. Located just off causeway. Expect a line.


First thing you do after you are done with CIQP is to get your Indonesian SIM card. Telkomsel has better coverage throughout Indonesia. Top up cards are available pretty much everywhere.


Traditional Welcome Ceremony will be performed during arrival. Inland tour will be organized by the local Regency's office.

The participants will be taken to visit traditional village. Gala Dinner will be hosted by the Regent also being planned.


Last several years in average about thirty boats entered Indonesian waters through Saumlaki which is one of the two official entry points of sail Indonesia. In the past after leaving Saumlaki, the fleet would head for Banda before proceed to Wakatobi, Buton, Selayar/Taka Bone Rate and later head down to Flores. For this year several new destination has been added. This fleet will later converge in Labuan Bajo with the rest of the fleet which will have gone through the more traditional route.

Although the numbers is smaller compare to other boats that came in through Kupang, this route has number things to offer that other route does not have. This is the route that less travelled which may interest some more adventurous souls. You will be making stop in Banda which is one of the most fascinating place on earth. This place is heavy favorite amongst past Sail Indonesia participants as one of the top destinations in Indonesia. From Banda  the fleet will head for Wakatobi Archipelago which offers world class dive sites, colorful sea nomad villages.

Regencies of Buton North, Buton and Selayar have been added as new destinations this year. Like almost every places you visit in Indonesia, these places has their own language, custom, dances etc which can't be found somewhere else.

In case of Regency Selayar, this is where the world famous but hardly visited Taka Bone Rate located. Pristine tropical islands with magnificent underwater natural beauties offers unique experience only to hardy and privileged travelers and sailors.

Up until now, all these destinations(except Banda) have confirmed that they are planning number of events during the visit by Sail Indonesia fleet. Some, especially new destinations are anxious to greet their very first group of yachties that ever come to their place. Preparations are being made to welcome this year's Sail Indonesia participants.

Regarding the events at each destinations, it will be posted on this blog once it is confirmed. Any changes will be reported as soon as possible.