Sunday, June 2, 2013


In general, most if not all Indonesian Ports have Government officials who act as Harbour Master or Port Captain. Known in Indonesia as "SYAHBANDAR".

By law all vessels are required to report to them. However, at every officially appointed destinations, Sail Indonesia's representative will do the reporting (or somebody will be appointed to do so). 

Just in case you are approached by any local official inquiring about  your presence, please refer it to Sail Indonesia Staff. 

Do not submit any original documents. Just show it to them if requested or give them the photo copies. In case they wear uniform, please make note of the name written on their uniform.  Any request for payment must be declined.Except when you are within National Parks domain where you are required to pay entry fee.

Original documents (such as PIB, Port Clearance and Passport only required to be submitted at the exit point (Bintan).

The waters in the Eastern parts of Indonesia are deep except at few places. For instance in Banda Naira, Banda, you areadvised to tie up stern to at the sea wall in front of Laguna Hotel.

Eastern parts of Indonesia is not as widely traveled compare to Central or Western parts. Shipping traffics is also much less. Although bigger fishing boats in general have their running lights on at night, the same cannot be said when it comes to smaller fishing vessels. Sad to say that this is a very common problem throughout Indonesia. Again, be vigilant.

Due to the fact you will stopping at small towns (except maybe near Bau Bau), there will no be any big supermarket. So stock up on  hard to get stuffs like cheese, cereals, condiments, hard liquor (Bintang beer is available almost everywhere, pasta, sauce  etc.

Bottled water is available everywhere. It is advisable to get 19 liters container. It is cheaper and reduce the amount of rubbish.

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