Tuesday, May 21, 2013


06 20' 52" S       123 32' 10" E

When Jacques Cousteau surveyed the area in the 1980s he commented that Wakatobi offered possibly the finest diving in the world. Most of the areas are part of Wakatobi Marine National Park.

This group of islands in the South East of Sulawesi is probably the best protected area in Indonesia. There are several Conservation Groups running their program here which attract researchers, students and divers alike.

Being a national park, the local fishing communities obtain a share from income generated by tourism. 

Although local Government is making strong efforts to promote marine tourism in the area, it is quite a challenge to strike a balance between preserving its very diverse eco system and the need to provide the needs of growing population. 


Anchorage area is inside the lagoon in town of Wangi Wangi where there are about twenty moorings are available inside the lagoon. Call Channel 77 and asking for Gino who will guide you in and assign a mooring buoy. It is on the basis first come first served basis. Free of charge.

The lagoon  is very well protected. The entrance is rather narrow and shallow but well marked.


Dinghy can be tied up at unused ferry terminal. Security will be provided to ensure the safety of the dinghies.




Traditional market is about 5 minutes walk from the landing. Fresh fish and fresh vegetables and some basic stuff are available. 

Some stalls are closed at noon before the market comes alive again in the afternoon.There are also shops on the main street.



There are ATMs in town.


Telkomsel works fine here.


There are number of islands in the area which offers fantastic diving.



The Bajo, or Bajau sometimes referred as sea nomad or gypsies, are a culture scattered throughout the coastal region of Southeast Sulawesi and beyond. They tend to build their village hundred of meters or even farther, from the shore. 

Although some of the villages offer temporary settlement for its nomadic fishermen, some village is permanent and has some facilities such as school, stores, mosque, even billiard hall.Originally people live in houses built on stilts where they live and fish. As it grew larger, wooden platform and bridges were built to connect those houses.

Although there have been some efforts by the Government to resettle on shore, they still prefer to continue their traditional lifestyle.

While some have converted to Islam (or  Christian), many of them still retain their traditional animist beliefs which reflects their closeness with the sea around them.

Fresh water has to be carried from nearest town using dugout canoes.

If you happen to be a the real 
man who need of haircut in Wakatobi, 
well ....look no farther. 




As previous years, local Regency   is staging few events. 
The program will be listed here.

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